Jordache was like, the height of cool! I wanted some Jordache jeans SO BAD.
I was only in second grade, so I wasn't allowed to wear skin-tight, camel toe inducing jeans. My dream was to wear these jeans and have feathered hair and a red/white striped shirt with puffy sleeves.
Here was the all important Jordache logo, the horse. Very 80s. These designer jeans were totally expensive and were meant to be a status symbol.
Sergio Valente jeans were my next runner up, and then Sassoon and then Gloria Vanderbilt. Wait..Vanderbilt? Vanderbilt Vanderbilt? (shakes head). Okay, that is funny. Moving on. I wished and wished for designer jeans and ended up with some knock-offs from Gemco called "Graffiti" that had shitty stitching like Toughskins and were not dark enough to be cool. Not only that, but I peed my pants in fourth grade enough to where I was the pee smell girl, so I kept a lavender Member's Only jacket tied around my waist most of the day. That really screwed up my kickball games.
Sergio Valente logo
Where you guys aware there were Barbie-likedolls made wearing these jeans? I didn't know either, but check it out:
The commercials for these jeans were the best!
And here are Sergio Valente Jeans at the Roller Rink from 1981
This was SURELY when Jordache lost it's luster:
And don't forget the girls at the ice cream parlor!
annnnnnd kids jumping in a bounce house to disco music...they just keep getting younger and younger...
This was SURELY when Jordache lost it's luster:
And don't forget the girls at the ice cream parlor!
annnnnnd kids jumping in a bounce house to disco music...they just keep getting younger and younger...
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