All of my posts always start out with an apology for my being nuts, and this one is no different: I love wallpaper, in all of it's old lady glory. Damask? Floral Scrolls? Chinoiserie? LOVE. IT. ALL (stop looking at me like that.) Allow me to show you my favorites, in no order- that first one is actually my least favorite and there is one that is upside down, but no matter. They make me swoon.
New Obsession: Pretty WallpaperAll of my posts always start out with an apology for my being nuts, and this one is no different: I love wallpaper, in all of it's old lady glory. Dam…Read More
My Stuff: A Window into my BrainI am watching Spellbound by Alfred Hitchcock, which will no doubt scare me this late at night. These old movies scare me far worse than anything curre…Read More
Dreamy Furniture and DecorIf I could just buy anything I wanted, I would hook myself up with this furniture and decorate with these pretty things. A girl can dream. Above is a …Read More
Dreamy Little ThingsNow I am thinking more about what to put in my dream house.I think I like this antique jewelry box for my room... And lots of books on fashion on my b…Read More
Pretty Things Okay guys- I know tea cups are for old ladies..but..(small voice) I love them.I own not one of these cups featured (except for the Royal Albert Bloss…Read More
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