Okay, I can admit when I am wrong. I said these pose dolls were creepy. But that is before I saw these BEAUTIFUL redone pose dolls from Posh Totty Designs. They are so stunning and crazy looking- my jaw is still on the floor. WOW. So Interesting!
This one kills me! They ALL do! I think I am just amped up from eating some moose tracks ice cream. No, I am excited at how neat these are.
The woman behind Posh TottyDesignz is named Katie Barker and she has a shop on Etsy.
Japanese Pose Dolls I neeeed this book. It is in Japanese, but you should see how neat it is! I will find some scans and show you guys. Mini pose dolls that look really …Read More
Japanese Pose Dolls Okay, I can admit when I am wrong. I said these pose dolls were creepy. But that is before I saw these BEAUTIFUL redone pose dolls from Posh Totty De…Read More
More Japanese Pose Dolls I found more neat pictures of these Japanese posing dolls- two of the pics are from Posh Totty Designs, who does the best restorations I have seen. C…Read More
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