TINKERBELL PLAY COSMETICS! Or, Tinkerbell play make-up! Whatever it was called! It was what all of us little girls wanted. There was the one and only Tinkerbell cologne, there was Tinkerbell Powder, lotion and bubble bath. Dude, I swear, if any one of my relatives ever got me these Tinkerbell products, I became so happy my head shot off into the sky. They are no longer with us, because there was some issue with Disney and the use of the name Tinkerbell, which I can understand. But damn I wish I could still find this stuff somewhere! Remember the peel off nail polish!?
The bottles above and below appear to be the ones I had from the late seventies, early eighties, but in searching for pictures, I can see some from other decades...
This one below appears to be from the sixties or early 70s...
These bottles appear to be from the late 80s or 90s, maybe when a different manufacturer took over...
Here is that "newer" version of Tinkerbell, again, from the late 80's early nineties (above). I am including it just for nostalgia's sake, in case someone is dying to see it.The ones below are from the late 70s early 80s- those are the ones I had!
This one looks like it's from the 60s, same as below
the back...
Then we have some below that appear to be from the 60's again, maybe one of you can tell me, I am not sure, but there was a plastic daisy on top!
Cute, huh?
I have never seen this version- Is this super old? Can anyone tell me what year these were made? They look very retro!
Here is another little pack of goodies!
Some old school powder that was on eBay!
More 60s Tinkerbell that was on eBay-- it will be gone QUICK!
Late 70s, 80s-- MY FAVE!
Here is a close up of one of the atomizers- I pumped the hell out of this thing! I think I even bit it, which is always what I was tempted to do with anything textured.
Remember these?
These two are too modern- I should take them out...
Here is another that looks more modern-but that's okay, Tinkerbell is Tinkerbell!
Here is a little lipstick and two dress up dolls and reusable
sticker clothes!
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