I saw Viva Las Vegas a few months back and I was surprised at what a match she was for Elvis. She generated just as much heat and sexiness- He met his match with her, for sure.
With someone like Ann-Margret, you kind of have to watch her instead of looking at her. See below for A.M. in action.
This is the beginning of Bye Bye Birdie (it is spliced with the ending piece- you can see her hair is different in the second half)- and don't worry, she doesn't sing this terribly- she is playing a goofy teenager in this movie. I still love this scene, which I first saw on Mad Men.
Now check out this dance number- go to the 6:30 mark...
Here is another cute little scene from B.B.B.
I love her bedroom- it looks like Tabitha's room on Bewitched.
And here is A.M. flirting with Elvis- I couldn't find a clear shot of their dance numbers together, but damn, she really gives him a run for his money. And on top of all of her talent...Ann-Margret was gorgeous! She is Swedish-American. She is actually a natural brunette, but they changed her hair to give her a sexy look. The guy who did Lucille Ball's hair did hers as well. Girl is workin' the red hair! And for that...drumroll...she is featured as today's Icon.
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