Okay, I showed you all a picture of the box of the lovely BARBIE PERFUME MAKER, but here is a picture of the actual toy, which I would consider one of my very favorite toys I have ever owned. You put the little "scent sticks" in water, cranked the wheel and the scent/color infiltrated the water in the little cup. Then you could pour the scent into the bottle of your choice and even BOX the thing up! My favorite scent was Strawberry Fields.

Was there anything more incredible than Strawberry Shortcake dolls back then? The white and red and pink- it was always looking like Valentine's day and I didn't even mind the red. Her strawberry scent was so yummy! And she had all these cute little friends with fat heads and freckles! I wanted Angel Cake (was that her name?) so desperately!

I played with this one a LOT. My sister and our friend Erin would always play dentist. The playdoh molds had little cavity faces on them. You made a bunch of teeth, most of which were like, supposed to be rotted, and you put them in this old guys mouth. Then you went to work on extracting those bad boys! We would be so detailed in playing dentist, that I would draw up an invoice and bill your ass for my work.

Cabbage Patch Kid commercial
Strawberry Shortcake commercial:
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