I am watching Spellbound by Alfred Hitchcock, which will no doubt scare me this late at night. These old movies scare me far worse than anything current could. It’s the music. The music is chilling. I haven’t seen this one yet- it stars Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck, who I have wanted to see in a picture. I’ll let you guys know how it is. Oh, and I am reading the Vivien Leigh biography and it is…well, very sad. She basically went crazy. She was super manic depressive and it got worse and worse and worse. She even had to have shock therapy. It’s just sad. She threw these great parties and was an excellent stage actress, but in her private life she lost her mind.
OK, I was thinking today about stuff. Namely, my own. I come into my room at night and retreat into the inner workings of my brain, like I am doing right now. Want to see it? All right, come on in. Above is the famous pink phone about which we already spoke. I need to refill my water glass! I bought that really pretty pink book of love poems off amazon after seeing it in Anthropologie. I just liked the cover. I have to confess...I don't like poetry. I know, I know. I have several books on the lives of both Sylvia Plath and Ann Sexton- I just...I don't get poetry. I like finality. Answers. Cut and dry. I don't know.
Okay, moving on- that is a picture of my beloved Sicilian Grandmother in a teensy frame- she was a model for Eastman Kodak and I have tons of old modeling pics from her days living in Hollywood. She was so wonderful. I miss her.
That stack of books are the ones I am reading right now. They are slow, but I like the writing style so I am trying to get through them.
You guys saw in my last house I had the two little poodles...well, since my grandmother has passed, here is the rest of the family.
A peek into the bathroom bookshelf of randomness. Antique piggy bank from my grandmother's collection.
This is next to my shower. Don't ask me why. Isn't this a delightful sight!? The ice cream cone opens up into a little house for the Liddle Kiddles. The ponies are not old- they are only 5-10 years old and I bought them because I liked their color combinations. The books are pop art books and are really beautifully laid out. They are by Pop Ink. I got that Tiara at Disneyland and I'll be damned if I didn't wear it around the house quite often last year.
More Liddle Kiddles and a Lilly Pulitzer book.
I know, I know- there is a hair in this little dish. But I had to show you these little goodies by the sink. The two on the left are erasers, the third one is a little soap I got in second grade that I never wanted to use and the hello kitty thing is lip gloss from my friend Erin.
Side note- this movie is frickin creepy! I knew it was going to scare me!
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