W końcu dokończyłam strój Fetch z InFamous: Second Son, więc po dogadaniu szegółów ze świetnym fotografem jakim jest Christian Gschweng, wzięłam Fetch ze sobą do Niemiec. Zdjęć jest tylko trzy, ale za to jakie!
Finally I've finished my Fetch's costume from InFamous: Second Son, so after talking about details with an awesome photographer Christian Gschweng, I took my costume to Germany. There are only three photos, but what a photos!
Abigail Walker (Fetch)
InFamous: Second Son
Peruka od Black Candy Fashion, sztuczny kolczyk do nosa od savanni.com (idealne do cosplayów xD).
Wig from Black Candy Fashion, fake nose ring from savanni.com (perfect for cosplays xD).
Christian Gschweng www.facebook.com/Christian-Gschweng-Fotografie-1875759302649827
Black Candy Fashion www.blackcandyfashion.co.uk
Savanni www.savanni.com
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