memorable Cosmo Covers Cosmopolitan Magazine was the first magazine that gave me a dip into the world of glamour: something I had no part of, wearing my eighties glass…Read More
Vintage Fisher Price Toys! Remember all of that Fisher Price stuff we had as kids in the 70's?I never had this cash register with the thick coins, but I sure wanted it! Al…Read More
Remember this Barbie Knock Off?Does anyone remember the Starr line of dolls from Mattel? They came out in about 1979 or 80 and were completely separate from Barbie, even though they…Read More
Liddle Kiddles are the sh*tAll right, call me crazy folks, but I am obsessed with these little two inch dolls from the 1960's. First of all, the are really colorful and cute and…Read More
J'ADORE LADUREESurely you guys have seen a big explosion of French Macaroons- Oh, I am sorry, Macarons, lately. There is even a book called I Love Macarons, to prove…Read More
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