Hair brushes aren’t one size fits all. What works for your hair might not work for a friend, and what works when you step out of the shower isn’t best suited for achieving a bouncy blowout. But with so many options to choose from (think: boar bristle, paddle brush, comb, vented round brush and more), it can be challenging to know which one is best for you. To help determine which brush to use at every stage in your hair-care routine, we consulted with Sierra Kener, celebrity hairstylist from Nine Zero One in Los Angeles.
First, Consider Your Hair Type
The same way that someone with curly, coily hair may opt for a curl cream and someone with flat hair will choose a volumizing serum, it’s important to customize your hair brush arsenal to your hair type in order to get the best results. Kener explains that you’ll want to consider both how you want to style your hair and your hair type in order to keep your strands as healthy as possible. “Using the wrong brush can cause breakage, lack of volume, hair thinning and a decline in the appearance of your hair’s integrity,” she says.
If Your Hair Is Wet
Knotty hair after the shower? Reach for either a detangling brush or comb. “Detangling brushes help smooth both wet and dry hairs without breakage,” says Kener. “But if you have medium to coarse hair, then a wide tooth comb is best when hair is wet.”
If You’re Blow Drying Your Hair
If you rarely have time to let your hair air dry, reach for a vented brush. “A vented brush is the best choice for quickly blow drying soaking wet hair,” says Kener. “The vents allow hot air to flow through, reaching all the layers of hair.”
While you can use a vented, flat brush to get a rough dry, for more body or loose waves, use a vented round brush. “They’re fully circular which makes it easier to blow the hair under, resulting in curls or waves,” says Kener.
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